Sia block explorer


Hi, just wanted to check, but am i right in thinking that the current official block explorer has a bunch of bugs and is not reliable for checking things like wallet balance? This is a bit of a shame since this is the link that comes up when you google "sia block explorer"

The finest AutoCAD block manager and block Manipulation tool that works the way you want it to work! Sia is a blockchain-based, cloud platform that aims to provide a solution for decentralized storage. Peers on Sia’s network can rent hard drive space from one another, for storage purposes instead of renting it from a centralized provider. Not only does this decentralized approach make Sia more secure, but it drastically reduces the overall cost as well. Simply put, if you have unused space The most popular and trusted block explorer and crypto transaction search engine.

Sia block explorer

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Frequently asked  9 Sep 2020 If you had any experience with Windows and Internet Explorer in the 90s having to display something more complex than a few blocks of text. Signature Block. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my   Browse The Most Popular 789 Blockchain Open Source Projects. Project has moved to GitLab: · Polkadot ⭐ 2,647.

Navigator: an advanced blockchain explorer for the ScPrime network. ScPrime Navigator Simple search Addresses batch Host contracts. Search. Search. Upload--Peers number-Unconfirmed TX-Blockchain TX-Version used- Loading. If it takes more than 30 seconds, refresh your browser

Sia block explorer

Bitcoin (BTC The below table includes a link to the blockchain explorer for each currency so that you can check the status of your transaction. Simply enter your Coindirect wallet address or transaction Hash into the blockchain explorer to check its status. Siacoin (SC) Stats.

Sia block explorer

The block explorer for Omni Token, Tether, USDT, MaidSafe and Omni Layer Tokens #196 · SIA · 1M18oycUdsXv4pKyLLiASREcRGzPu22MxK · CPA 

Sia block explorer

Difficulty Report. The current difficulty is 6,658 PH.The next difficulty is estimated at 6,631 PH, a change of −0.40%.The difficulty changes globally every time a new block is mined, based on how fast blocks are being found. See full list on The most popular and trusted block explorer and crypto transaction search engine. Jun 16, 2017 · That line showed that this wallet had only ever received one deposit of 594.83 SC at block height 108,589.

If it takes more than 30 seconds, refresh your browser Zchain Explorer We provide insights into the state of the Zcash Blockchain through analytics and visualizations. Inspect new blocks, check your balance or view a transaction. Blake (2b-Sia) 24h Avg. Difficulty: 6759.116 P Current Difficulty: 6784.568 P Block Time: 600 s Block Reward: 30000.00 Last Block: 302,898 Website: Visit Website! Explorer: Visit Explorer! Announcement: List of known Siacoin pools (SC) Blake2B PoW algorithm. Live hashrate distribution, pool fees & minimum payment comparison.

3% PPS fee. Sia aims to provide an open-source, low-cost solution for decentralized cloud storage. Mining Siacoin (SC), the network token, is only profitable using ASICs. Feel free to check out the official website and block explorer to get more familiar with Siacoin before continuing. The Ethereum Block Chain Explorer Explore the Ethereum chain, check your balance, look up transactions or view some charts! Price block: 513504 : reward: 25 : fee: 0 : timestamp: 1615403993 (2021 Mar 10 - 19:19:53) operations: 0 : block: 513503 : reward: 25 : fee: 0 : timestamp: 1615403737 (2021 May 20, 2017 · Save this address and proceed to the Start mining step.; Sia-UI - The better, but slower way 🔗︎.

The Sia Storage Platform leverages underutilized hard drive capacity around the world to create a data storage marketplace that is more reliable and lower cost than traditional cloud storage providers. Navigator is a blockchain explorer fully tailored to the Sia blockchain and I will gladly assist any developer aiming to deploy a mirror of it or modify it as long as it remains in the scope of the Sia blockchain. Showing current block is 220211 As this is literally the first search result on Google for sia block explorer AND that it is hosted on SIA's official Internet domain, this isn't a good look. Searching this reddit shows it has been broken for 4-5 months. Welcome to the SiaMining SiaClassic pool! From the creators of the first and longest-running mining pool for Sia, a reliable mining pool for SiaClassic..

Sia block explorer

Native Stratum Support – We designed the Stratum protocol that is now used by all ScPrime miners. Block Explorer chỉ đơn giản là một công cụ tìm kiếm. Cũng giống như cách bạn sử dụng trình duyệt web để duyệt qua Internet; Block explorer cho phép một để duyệt Blockchain. Chúng là các công cụ tìm kiếm được tạo ra đặc biệt để tìm kiếm các khối của một Blockchain. 6/16/2017 Official SIA block explorer broken.

Sia aims to provide an open-source, low-cost solution for decentralized cloud storage. Mining Siacoin (SC), the network token, is only profitable using ASICs. Feel free to check out the official website and block explorer to get more familiar with Siacoin before continuing.

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That line showed that this wallet had only ever received one deposit of 594.83 SC at block height 108,589. The block height is essentially a “time” in Siacoin time units. Checking the transaction in the Sia block explorer, I could see this deposit was made on June 7th, 2017, two days before the user’s reddit post.

New Coins Events Calendar. MiningPoolStats. Toggle navigation.

Block-Explorer. A block explorer for Sia. About. An explorer for Sia Resources. Readme License. MIT License Releases No releases published. Packages 0.

SC Block Explorer is able to search all blockchain data of SC blockchain such as latest block, historial transactions, addresses and SC wiki. 17 Jan 2020 Showing current block is 220211 As this is literally the first search result on Google for sia block explorer AND that it is hosted on SIA's … Siacoin (SC) Block Explorer is a simple tool which gets you detailed information about any Siacoin transaction, address, and block. Just enter any Siacoin (SC)  Sia is a decentralized storage platform secured by blockchain technology.

Hash Price Report. The last block was at height 302,912 . The current block reward is 30,000 SC . Based on this and on the current difficulty, miners are being paid 4.3707 SC/PH , which corresponds to about 0.38 SC/day per GH/s. Welcome to the SiaMining ScPrime pool! From the creators of the first and longest-running mining pool for Sia, a reliable mining pool for ScPrime.